Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dylan & Kristy's super rad, type-driven invitations

Here at Gus & Ruby Letterpress we LOVE designing and printing custom wedding invitations for our super awesome clients, but we also enjoy letterpress printing for many of the super talented designers that reside in the greater metro Portsmouth area. It is so much fun collaborating with artists as they dream up designs for their very own wedding invitations knowing that we get to make the finished pieces come to life for them! 

The first couple we ever collaborated with was the fantastically rad duo of Dylan Haigh & Kristy Martino, known now simply as HAM (Haigh and Martino), who moved to Portsmouth in 2009 on a bit of a whim after leaving their design agency down south. I was obsessed with these two immediately, mostly because they seemed so cool in their skinny jeans and retro glasses, but also because the colors they had chosen for their wedding invites were warm red and yellow with pops of black and teal. Nobody E V E R picks colors like that for wedding invites. They even brought Pantone chips with them. Enough said. The two were working on designs for their save the dates "together", which hilariously consisted of them each arguing their case as to why their design was better than the other's. Yet there was no arguing. It was kind of mind blowing. 

Anyways, I could go on and on about these two, but I'll get right to their awesome designs. We printed on 220# duplex in fluorescent white to make their bright colors pop as much as possible. I honestly can't remember who's design "won" and/or if the final designs were truly a collaboration of both of their talents, but it doesn't really matter because they were super duper awesome and pretty cool to print.

Here is a detailed shot of the save the date (how flippin' cute is that?):

Full shot of the No. 10 (approx. 4x9") save the date:

Here is a pic of the whole suite:

Custom gatefold printed in black ink on kraft paper that housed the invite and reply card: 


Outer envelope:

 Love the reply postcard:

Super bright envelopes! Wouldn't you love receiving this in the mail?

Not quite sure what this is, but I like it:

Whole suite:

Pretty cute right? Dylan & Kristy saved money by printing each piece in 1-color, printing their own gatefolds and stickers and using a reply postcard rather than a reply card and envelope. Since joining their lives together in holy matrimony, the two have founded their own design agency, appropriately named, HAM. Check out their work and musings:

Haigh & Martino Website
HAM Blog

All photos by HAM
Design by HAM, Letterpress printing by Gus & Ruby Letterpress

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